
The Diocese implements a range of policies to manage operational matters at both a parish and diocesan level.

Parish Audit Policy

The Parish Administration Act 2010 (as amended) stipulates that certain financial records be retained, certain accounts be presented to the Parish, and that they be audited by an appropriate person. This policy explains what is required. Please also click here for the User Guide that accompanies the policy.

Added Monday September 06 2021

Parish Password Policy

Electronic files and emails in their many forms are essential for the running of day to day activities and the functioning of the Diocese.  Strong passwords are a vital and simple way of protecting electronic records. Current good practice suggests minimum standards for the complexity and age of passwords.

Added Wednesday October 23 2019

Privacy Policy

The Privacy Policy encourages sensitivity and appropriate respect for individuals in the collection and use of information for Church purposes and provides formal guidelines for the diocese and parishes to ensure protection of people’s privacy in accordance with the Australian National Privacy Principles.

Added Wednesday March 22 2017