Talking to God about people before talking to people about God
There are many things we can and should do to be faithful witnesses to God. These involve learning how to share what God has done for each of us and living as consistent disciples of Jesus. However, the first step is for us to be diligent in speaking to God about people before speaking to people about God
Bishop Matt’s challenge in 2019 for all of us who regularly worship God in the Diocese of Bendigo is to be active in praying for others.
Will you do this in 4 ways:
Prayerfully select 3 people you believe God led you to. These do not need to be ‘unknown’ people, or even ‘far away’ people. Indeed, God has given us ‘near’ people. Filling out the circles of relationship (see the brochure) may help you work out who God has placed on your heart.
Write their names on the bookmark that has comes with the brochure. Put the bookmark in a place that will remind you to pray for your 3 people each day. Ideas for placement may include, your current book, blu-tacked to the bathroom mirror, or taped to the fridge.
Pray that God will open your 3 people’s hearts and give you an opportunity to bear witness to what Jesus has done. Your prayer could be something like:
Dear Lord, You know (name/s). Please open their heart so that they may know you too. Please may I have the opportunity to share with them why Jesus is important to me. Amen
Look for ways to be a blessing to your 3 people. This may be through finding ways to be encouraging, inviting them for a cuppa, sharing a meal, or looking for a way to serve a need they have.