Safe Church Training

The Anglican Diocese of Bendigo is committed to engaging in God-honouring, life-giving and harm-free ministry interactions with all people.

Safe Ministry Training will assist church workers in:

  • developing their understanding of boundaries
  • fulfilling their duty of care
  • identifying and responding to concerns about harm
  • awareness of Diocesan and local church procedures for responding to risk of harm
  • representing God in their church role/s
  • providing safe physical, emotional and spiritual environments
  • developing awareness of the elements/standards for Child Safety (as recommended by the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse)

Safe Ministry Training is designed for all clergy, ministry leaders, parish councillors, youth and children leaders and anyone with a leadership role within the church. It can be completed online, at your own pace, or in-person as part of a group.

Online Training Platform 


Click here to register and pay: Safer Communities online platform

You will then receive an email with a link to access the online course

Need help? Download PDF instructions for registering & paying: here

Or contact: etraining @    1800 070 511

The training will accept online payment via credit/debit card

In-Person Group Training

If you would like to join an in-person group workshop, please speak with your parish priest first. To find out about upcoming workshops running across the diocese contact the registry office on (03) 5443 4711.

Resources for Clergy

Safe Church Training – Information booklet

Safe Church Training – Group Facilitator’s Guide

Safe Church Training – Workshop resources to print

clearances @ bendigoanglican .org .au

Ph: (03) 5443 4711