Written by Margaret Wesley
Bishop Andrew Curnow is proud to announce that the Anglican Diocese of Bendigo now provides ministry training to support churches throughout Australia and New Zealand. The Australis Certificate of Ministry equips Christian people to reflect on their faith, ministry and discipleship within a learning community and in the context of everyday life.
The course was originally developed by the Board of Ministry of the Diocese of Lichfield in England. Bishop Andrew brought the course to Australia, where it was updated and contextualised by the Rev’d Dr Charles Sherlock and administrated by Trinity College Theological School in Melbourne.
For sixteen years, it was known as the Trinity Certificate. The Anglican Diocese of Bendigo is proud to oversee the next phase in its development with the Rev’d Dr Margaret Wesley responsible for administering and updating the newly renamed Australis Certificate of Ministry.
Margaret has worked in theological education and ministry formation in Sydney and looks forward to making a contribution toward the formation of Christian people who know their Bibles well, reflect intelligently on their faith, worship God wholeheartedly, serve their communities with humility and hope, and celebrate the diversity of gifts, perspectives and experiences of God’s people.
The Rev’d Dr Charles Sherlock, who originally prepared the course material, is delighted to see the course take this new step.
“Trinity College Theological School took an important step by including adult Christian education in its range of offerings – the Trinity Certificate,” he said.
“It was both a privilege and fun to prepare its six units, adapting and ‘Australianising’ material from the Church of England. Bendigo has used the Certificate as the basis for its training programme for ordained local ministers.”
“I am delighted that Bendigo Diocese is now making this resource – updated and supported – available for all Australian Anglicans,” Charles added.
“Each session actively engages participants in learning from the scriptures, our Christian heritage and life-experience, and takes seriously the world in which we live today.”
“I warmly commend the Australis Certificate of Ministry to any parish or group that wants to explore their faith, cope with their doubts and flourish as Christians in this post-modern world.”
The Australis Certificate builds community while educating people in Bible, theology and ministry. This makes it an excellent resource for use within parishes. Talk to your minister about getting a group started, and contact Margaret on australiscm@ bendigoanglican.org.au for resources, advice and support, or visit the diocesan web page under Ministry & Mission – Australis Certificate.