1 October 2024 | Darcy Vaughan
How many laps could you run around the church?
This was the question put to the kids of Maldon Kids Club. They decided they would try and run 100 laps around Holy Trinity, Maldon (cumulatively, not each!) to raise money for the Special Olympics Club in Bendigo. The kids made posters to cheer one another on and donation tins to collect money if they achieved their impressive athletic feat. On the day the almost thirty kids outdid themselves, running a total of 111 laps around the historic church to smash their goal!
The following and final week of term Maldon Kids Club met at the Bowls Club to have a go at some competitive sport. They also had the privilege of meeting real life Special Olympics athlete Tara and her coach Christine. The kids got to hear about Tara’s impressive training regime and see some of her medals. They then presented Tara and Chris with the money they had raised; a total of $780.40!
Maldon Kids Club meets every week of term in the church hall of Holy Trinity. Our theme last term was inspired by the Olympics as we studied those wonderful Bible passages about running the race, getting the crown and spurring one another on. Next term we will imagine the Christmas story from the perspective of robot invaders and prepare for our end of term Christmas concert!