11 June 2017
Five new ordinands will begin their new ministries in the diocese after being ordained in services both locally in St Paul’s Cathedral, Bendigo and in St Margaret’s in Mildura.
Suzannah Daniels and Dr Margaret Wesley were both ordained deacons, with the Revds Simon Chan and Neil Fitzgerald priested in St Paul’s Cathedral on 11 June.
Suzannah Daniels is working part time in the Parish of Bendigo North, with Margaret Wesley commencing one day in the Parish of Golden Square and another day as part of the Ministry Development Office in the Registry.
Simon Chan will continue his ministry at Christ’s True Light Church in Bendigo East, with Neil Fitzgerald continuing in the Central Highlands Cluster at Kyneton and Woodend.
The Rev’d Andrew Gall, most recently a Uniting Church minister in the Parish of Central Mallee at Ouyen, was ordained a deacon in the Anglican Church in St Margaret’s Mildura on Saturday 22 July.
Andrew will take up a position as Assistant Curate in the Parish of Northern Mallee working with Archdeacon Michael Hopkins.