PALM Workers 'Pop Up' Church

11 December – Val Barker Pigott

It was a hot afternoon in February 2024 when I attended the arrival briefing for 49 men and women from Vanuatu. They had come to work in the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility Scheme. Shaking in my boots and trying to hide it from them I introduced myself, explaining that my role was to help them stay connected to their Christian faith whatever denomination they attended in their home country.

Shortly after I met 47 men from the Solomon Islands. When I explained my role to them there were shouts of “we have one God, this is good.” I was immediately introduced to Peter, their nominated prayer leader, an Anglican from St Andrew’s in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands.

The outcome of these meetings was a ‘Pop-up Church’ in Robinvale. We started at St Peter’s, but as soon as the cold weather hit other arrangements had to be made, and so we moved to the caravan park where they were staying. Twice a week I would travel down. Wednesday late afternoon was for pastoral care, especially for the women, but the Solomon men did not want to be left out and so there was ministry and prayer every week.

The Parish of Sunraysia South provided two guitars for the congregation to share. Every week the men would lead the worship with their singing. Solomon Islanders and Ni-Vans (those from Vanuatu) together with the five of us from Red Cliffs, all united through Jesus.

I would minister the Word, celebrate Communion and bless those who wanted blessing. The year went fast. We laughed together, cried together, prayed together, sang together, and worshipped our Lord together as one family.

Throughout the year we saw people come back to God in their faith. We saw healing both in Robinvale and in their homeland because of our joint ministry. We saw relationships reconciled. We also walked with people in their sadness when a family member had passed away in their homeland and they could not be with them.

When the day came for their departure I went to bless the workers from Vanuatu. I had no idea what I was going to do or how but I trusted the Lord. I wandered the park saying goodbye to people. We ended up at the front waiting for the bus.

Unexpectedly the Solomon men joined us. They had come as a surprise to sing to the Ni-Vans. In turn the Ni-Vans sang back, both singing songs of praise to God. Over 100 people stood in a circle holding hands. This included bosses, long term workers and some locals who had come to say farewell. I blessed the Ni-Vans as they boarded the bus.

I was told later that this had never happened before. This year is the first year that the Solomon Islanders have conversed with the Ni-Vans. Workers have said that this was a direct result of the ‘Pop-up Church.’ When we shared the peace at the start of our ministry in St. Peter’s, that is when they started talking to each other and sharing the bus together to come to church.

We, the team that go down weekly, are so excited about this. It is a direct result of the Spirit and our ministry. What’s more, the workers told their bosses that this year had been the best because of Jesus.

I have seen men rise up in their spiritual gifting and walk with the Lord this year. Our prayer is that they return to their home churches and bless them with their presence, until they return to us again next year. The Holy Spirit will not be limited when we choose to walk with Him.