
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum lacinia lorem eu est bibendum pretium. Fusce ut massa id ipsum iaculis tristique ac molestie mi. Morbi rutrum mi eget erat congue, vitae fermentum mi scelerisque. Suspendisse sit amet dictum magna. Nulla facilisi. Sed non erat sed lacus rutrum feugiat vel sed nisi. Maecenas consectetur vestibulum viverra. Nam viverra magna a turpis tempor, nec tincidunt nulla egestas. Mauris laoreet eros ut velit vehicula convallis.

Proin non sodales orci. Fusce accumsan ultricies congue. Morbi vehicula neque at ex tempor, sit amet rhoncus lorem posuere. Sed mattis neque nunc, sit amet condimentum purus dignissim quis. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Cras fermentum id ipsum ac tempus. Etiam ac risus ac nisl porttitor pharetra et in velit. Nulla ut mollis mauris. Suspendisse finibus nibh mauris, et semper metus facilisis ac.

Phasellus sed egestas tellus, at congue est. Pellentesque aliquam mi eget rhoncus rhoncus. Nam a nibh metus. Nulla dictum libero sit amet diam tristique, non facilisis tellus dapibus. Morbi sed augue sed est aliquet mattis. Sed sed justo et odio elementum cursus ac ac ex. Nullam ac diam egestas ipsum dapibus hendrerit. Mauris sed eleifend nulla. Quisque sed ipsum a metus euismod faucibus eu posuere ligula. Vivamus in felis vestibulum, tincidunt mauris nec, fermentum massa.

The Bishop's Vision 2019 - 2022

Bishop Matt outlines his vision for the Diocese of Bendigo; "My dream is that there is a congregation of people worshipping God in every community in the diocese, bearing witness to God’s love for the world in Jesus." My dream is the third link in a chain. It derives from our diocesan vision which is to…transform society through the gospel of Jesus Christ by building healthy mission-shaped faith communities...and builds upon the Strategic Plan which sets priorities for us as we work together to ensure that there are people of God, happy and healthy in their faith, throughout the Diocese.

Added Monday June 03 2019

The Spirit - Easter at Home

This special supplement to The Spirit is designed to help you continue worship at home given that our usual patterns are impossible. It includes the guided readings from Scripture which paint the vivid picture of what Jesus went through and achieved for us, prayers to kick-start your own and reflections to help you ponder how your purposes may be brought into alignment with God’s.

Added Monday March 30 2020

Trust Withdrawal Application Form

Many trusts have specific conditions that limit the amount that can be withdrawn from the trust and/or the purpose to which the trust funds can be applied. As Trustee, the Diocese is obliged by law to ensure that these conditions are complied with. As a consequence, please do not assume that the full value of the Trust is automatically available for any purpose. If you have any questions about which Trust funds are available the Registry Staff will be happy to assist you.

Withdrawal requests of a higher value (over $5,000) or requesting a withdrawal of the corpus of the trust must be approved by the Executive. The Executive normally only meets monthly, so additional time for this approval may be required.

  All submissions are required to receive a full 'set' of documentation, including any quotes for works to be undertaken (if this is relevant) as well as a copy of your parish council meeting minutes that show the matter has been discussed and is supported.    

If the Trust Withdrawal Request is to fund a Property Project, please submit a Property Project Proposal first, by clicking here.

To submit a Trust Withdrawal Application Form, please click here.

Added Tuesday May 04 2021