
Welcome to the Parish of Kyneton-Malmsbury-Trentham. We are a parish community steeped in history and Anglican Tradition. We continue to worship and live out our faith in Jesus Christ in modern catholic style. We maintain a firm commitment of developing a community of welcome, nurture, discipleship, hospitality, care and outreach.

Church Locations

St Paul's, Kyneton Corner Yaldwyn and Powlett Streets, Kyneton
St John's, Malmsbury Cameron Street, Malmsbury (opposite the school)
St George's, Trentham 58 High Street, Trentham

Sunday service times

  • St Paul's, Kyneton 10.30 am every Sunday and Wednesdays at 10.00 am
  • St John's, Malmsbury 8.45 am every Sunday
  • St George's, Trentham TBA

Other services

Ray M Begg Hostel – 3.30 pm, 1st and 3rd Wednesdays (Eucharist)

Kyneton Community Aged Care – 1st and 3rd Thursdays at 11.00 am (Eucharist)

Parish activities

Kyneton Farmers Market
Held in St Paul’s Park, Piper Street Kyneton on the 2nd Saturday morning of each month