
Thanks for checking out the info page for the Parish of Elmore. We would love you to come and visit us or to make enquiries about who we are and what we do. All four of our centres (see below) aim to be welcoming and caring church families expressing a vibrant faith in God, while at the same time being appropriate for those who might be exploring questions of God and church. We seek to engage with our local communities, provide care to those in need, and also to have something to offer all ages. That is very a much a work in process, but something we look forward to seeing develop in the parish. It would be great to meet you!

Church Locations

St Peter's, Elmore 44-48 Michie Street, Elmore
St John's, Colbinabbin Cnr Andrews Rd and Bendigo-Murchison Road, Colbinabbin
St George's, Goornong Cnr Midland Hwy and Tyler Street, Goornong
St Mary's, Raywood Cnr Mckay St and Bendigo-Pyramid Rd, Raywood

Contact Details

Vacant Office

Sunday service times

  • Elmore 9.30 am Sundays, 3rd Wednesday 10.00 am
  • Raywood 11.15 am 1st and 3rd Sunday's
  • Goornong 8.00 am 1st & 3rd Sundays
  • Colbinabbin 11.15 am 2nd and 4th Sunday's

Others services

5th Sunday – Combined service 

When there is a 5th Sunday in the month, and on other special occasions, we have a combined parish partnership service in one of our centres. Please see local community newsletters of pew sheet for more information on these.

Parish activities

Elmore Anglican Op Shop
The parish runs an Op Shop which is staffed by community members as well as by parishioners. It provides a service for needy as well as for those who like to pick up a bargain! It is open Wednesday 10.00 am – 2.00 pm, Thursday till Saturday 10.00 am – 4.00 pm.

Sunday School

A primary-age Sunday School operates weekly at St Peter’s, Elmore during school terms.

Home Groups

Regular home groups for fellowship and bible study operate in most centres.

St Peter’s Elmore has an active Guild which supports ministry and mission in the parish and beyond.

Bible studies are held weekly during Lent and Advent