
At Heathcote we aim to be a welcoming and caring fellowship connecting with the community by presenting the gospel as relevant to people in their daily life - work, family, home, leisure - and supporting them to live out the gospel where God has planted them. We acknowledge and serve the crucified, risen and ascended Jesus Christ as its head, and proclaims the He alone is the way, the truth and the life.

Church Locations

St John's, Heathcote 165 High Street, Heathcote

Sunday service times

  • 10.00 am Holy Communion or Morning Prayer

Parish activities

We warmly welcome visitors and new members at all our services and meetings. Call in and see the beautiful stained glass windows and read the history of our church and town of Heathcote.

Celebrations are shared with the other community churches throughout the year including Lenten Studies, community meal, Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and at Christmas and Easter.

Mission Giving
We support many local and overseas missions including three missionary families, plus many more when the opportunity arises.

Buddies Op Shop at 165c High St, Heathcote.                                                                                                        Days of Operation: Thursday, Friday & Saturday mornings.

Pastoral visits
We tend to our congregational members and the Christian community at the local hostel with pastoral and spiritual care on an as needed basis. If you are aware of people living in the Heathcote area and they would like pastoral and spiritual care, please let us know.